Advanced Flow Metrics (FL-M5)

Advanced Flow Metrics (FL-M5)


Description of Course

The Advanced Flow Metrics (FL-M5) master’s course is a continuation of the content learned in the Flow Thinking Advanced Course (FL-A1) and the previous master-level courses (FL-M1, FL-M2, FL-M3, & FL-M4). This course provides participants with the opportunity to practice their learning from the previous master-level courses.

This course will incorporate previous knowledge and techniques from previous courses and provide additional advanced techniques for mapping and visualizing the flow of value. Participants will be able to calculate and map different aspects of a single process and for a set of processes, and visualize complex workstream and product delivery lifecycles.

Duration of Training

The Advanced Flow Metrics (FL-M5) master’s course requires 16 hours of training and can be taken as a two-day in-person training session, an online live virtual class, or as an asynchronous self-paced online training using The Flow System’s learning management system (LMS). This course can be taught publicly or privately to any organization.

Participants must complete the training before receiving a code allowing them to take the Advanced Flow Metrics (FL-M5) assessment for accreditation. The fee for the assessment is included in the course fee for training attendees.

At the master’s level, participants will demonstrate an ability to apply the new knowledge and complete an online assessment. The master’s level courses’ application portion will be reviewed by peers and industry experts in their chosen field.

Participants who attend the training will have two attempts at the Advanced Flow Metrics (FL-M5) assessment. Participants who wish to forgo the training and jump straight to the assessment may do so but must first buy a code and will only have one attempt as opposed to two for people taking the training. You can buy a code below by clicking ‘Take Assessment.’

Objectives of Course

This course will equip participants with advanced skills to support organizations to better understand how products and services can be optimized. The tools and techniques learned will provide participants with the ability to help organizations build better processes and more effective teams.

The materials and exercises found in this course will provide participants with the ability to practice their skills and to identify how they can support their organization. Participants will be able to implement practices that build upon an organization’s transparency, psychological safety, team performance, and process optimization.

Participants will develop a flow map to show how value is being delivered to their customers. This flow map will incorporate all the knowledge and techniques learned in previous courses. Participants will present their flow maps at the end of the course, provide feedback to their peers, and receive feedback on their flow maps.

The objectives of this course include:

  • Exhibit advanced visualization skills.
  • Exhibit advanced mapping skills.
  • Exhibit the ability to visualize advanced flows of value.
  • Explain the processes required to complete an advanced value map.
  • Present a value-based map created during the course.
  • Explain advanced formulae for measuring the flow of value.

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